DJ Marshall Barnes fell in love with DJing while watching Michael Stone “DJ StoneRokk” spin one night at a local Hollywood club. StokeRokk subsequently took Marshall Barnes under his wing as a protégé. Wherever StoneRokk was spinning you were sure to find DJ Marshall Barnes paying his dues as an opener.
Early in his career, this young talent’s natural ability shot him through the ranks of the Hollywood elite, landing him gigs at the city’s choice venues and private events. Though the technical side of the craft can be learned, style can’t – and this is what ultimately separates one DJ from the next. In the same area, Barnes’ eclecticism sets him apart from the rest as he fluidly mixes classic with the modern, putting new twists on old favorites.
It’s the combination of the inimitable style and undeniable technical skills that continually fuels demand for DJ Marshall Barnes.